SSS-Class Suicide Hunter Manga is a korean popular light novel converted to Manhwa.
Tower climbing, martial arts, and constellation elements are mixed in the story written by Noah Shin.
The main character in SSS-Class Suicide Hunter manga is Gongja Kim, who has a strong cider-like tendency, and there are many other attractive characters such as Black Dragon Joo, Raviel, and a muscular pig who dreams of becoming a rookie.
The novel was first published in November 2018. SSS-Class Suicide Hunter (SSS급 자살헌터) Novel has 16 volumes and 400 chapters in total. The novel also has a February 2021 Comic-Book Adaptation with art by Kim Mintaka.
Following Kim Gongja as he becomes the titular SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, dying time and time again by his own hand and those of others in order to become the new greatest hunter of Earth and climb to the top of the mysterious Tower, all while his increasing stable of death related skills lead Kim Gongja to grow from a disgruntled internet troll to a man who would willingly take the death and suffering of entire worlds onto his shoulders.